is a fascinating itinerary based on the Early Medieval history of the Lombards and passing through towns and villages with a rare charm, from the Seas of the North to the Mediterranean. Following this fil rouge, the visitor traces the origin and development of Lombard culture which, at its peak, formed what is recognized today as the foundation stone of European culture
In the context of the Itinerary Longobard Ways across Europe, a leading role – as a destination for cultural tourism – is played by the Cluster of Monza-Brianza, the territorial identification of which is the result of the historic and geographic value of this area in the period of the actual foundation of the Lombard Kingdom of Italy. For simplicity of classification, this period can be indicated as the “Period of the two queens”: Theodolinda (589-627) and her daughter Gundeberga (626-652). Their strong influence and the military victories of their husbands – Kings Authari and Agilulf for the former, Kings Arioald and Rothari for the latter – are to be thanked for the territorial enlargements and cultural developments that supported the architecture and the consolidation of the Kingdom.
The Itinerary “Longobard Ways across Europe” is officially candidate at the European Institute of Cultural Routes of Luxembourg to become one among the European Cultural Routes promoted by the Council of Europe.